Communications skills between co-workers.

UX Management.

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"Not only is it about being good communicators with users, maintaining good communication between project members or co-workers is crucial for the successful completion of the project."

Over time I’ve learned that we have to dedicate a little of time to apply some of the resources that we use in the UX processes with the people who work with us. If we think of them as users of the job or project that unites us every day to the same time and at the same place, maybe we could improve the work process beyond any agile method that we are using at the moment. In a few words:

Be an UX with the people you work with.

Let’s see an example

Thinking about users, how should we communicate to our co-workers that something must be done again because a problem has occurred or because the client has not liked it? Stress and other factors involved at this time:

UX Managemente

Improve the experience of workers starting from a good communication.

1. Clarifying the problem.

When a problem arises we must resort to organize all the content based on some questions:

  • What has happened?
  • Why?
  • When?
  • Possible solutions.
  • When should it be solved?

Once you have the answers to these questions, it is best to bring the team involved together, raise the content development (in this case the problem) and re-formulate these same questions but with the answers from the whole team. In this way you can reach a more accurate solution and a better organization of the timelines in which everyone agrees. Once the meeting is over, it is best to write down what has been spoken in a new briefing, so that all the team has it. If the projects are managed by a task manager, the good thing is to keep a thread of conversation open. The time here is crucial, so you should monitor these threads of conversation to avoid deviations or confusions.

2. Observe and have empathy.

WBeing good observers not only helps us when we are observing a user performing an indicated task. It also helps us when we observe our co-workers in a complicated situations. In this case, the users are the team participants who must redo a project that has gone wrong. At all times we must observe their expressions, tones of voice and body language. Having empathy with their feelings and the situation will help us to improve the communication without reaching moments of frustration or unnecessary fights. Here I let you three keywords of a good UX: understand, learn and mediate.

3. Monitoring of the project and users.

As soon as the problem and the possible solutions are raised, we should be done a follow-up of the project and of the reaction of our colleagues. See if they need help, been with them most of the time and do a little bit of a chat bot so we can be 100% available to always answer all their questions.

4. Last step and conclusion.

We must optimize the time giving feedback in real time without leaving the goals of the briefing. If in extreme cases, the initial briefing must be modified, the whole team has to be notified.

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5. …Important tips.

And … I think the most important point is to measure the words we say and above all to maintain the respect. Words like:
Thank you,
…are keys to a good communication.